Saira Liaqat squints through her one good eye as she brushes a woman’s hair. Her face, most of which the acid melted years ago, occasionally lights up with a smile. Her hands, largely undamaged, deftly handle the dark brown locks. A few steps away in this popular beauty salon, Urooj Akbar diligently trims, cleans and paints clients’ fingernails. Her face, severely scarred from the blaze that burned about 70% of her body, is somber. It’s hard to tell if she’s sad or if it’s just the way she now looks. . . .

Liaqat and Akbar are among Pakistan’s many female victims of arson and acid attacks. Such tales tend to involve a spurned or crazy lover and end in a life of despair and seclusion for the woman.

Read the whole thing. It’s nice that there’s a foundation to help these victims. But one to hunt down and kill the attackers would be better, if not “nicer.”