ROLL CALL: Boehner on DHS: Senate Democrats Need to ‘Get Off Their Ass.’

House leaders emerged from a Republican Conference meeting Wednesday with a persistent refrain on Department of Homeland Security funding: The House has done its job; it’s time for the Senate to act.

During the weekly Republican leadership news conference, Speaker John A. Boehner repeatedly called on the Senate to take up the House-passed funding bill for the DHS, which Senate Democrats have repeatedly blocked the chamber from considering.

“You know, in the gift shop out here, they’ve got these little booklets on how a bill becomes a law,” a fired-up Boehner said as camera shutters clicked. “The House has done its job! Why don’t you go ask the Senate Democrats when they’re going to get off their ass and do something?”

When Boehner was asked if this standoff with the Senate was how he planned for the DHS bill to play out — Senate Republicans now insist it’s on House Republicans to send over a new bill — Boehner said the process was working “exactly” the way he envisioned it.

“The House did its job,” Boehner said. “We won the fight to fund the Department of Homeland Security and to stop the president’s unconstitutional actions. Now it’s time for the Senate to do their work.”

But if it doesn’t, would the speaker throw the chamber a lifeline?

“The House has done its job,” Boehner repeated. “It’s time for the Senate to do theirs.”

Given the importance of this bill, I think Majority Leader McConnell should consider abolishing the filibuster. After all, we used to hear all the time about how undemocratic and un-American the filibuster is.