HIGH PRAISE! Liberal Pundit Says Damon Root’s New Book Threatens ‘the Foundation of Western Social Democracy.’
According to O’Donnell, Overruled “is a sober, well-researched, and thoughtful case for the libertarian point of view on judicial issues ranging from gun control to economic regulation.” What can I say? I’m grateful for those kind words. But in fairness to O’Donnell, he also added the following caveat: “Like most libertarians, Root cares more about principle than orthodoxy; hence his book is no partisan screed. Yet he is representative of libertarians in another way as well. His positions sound reasonable until you begin thinking through their implications, at which point you realize just how radical they are.”
How radical are my positions? According to O’Donnell, Overruled threatens to tear the very fabric of civilized life.
You mean like free birth control? Quelle horreur! The book is Overruled: The Long War for Control of the U.S. Supreme Court.