DO TELL: James Elephant: Face It, Obama Is A Lousy Politician.
That’s true, but the rest of the article is mostly crap. Obama’s problem isn’t that he’s a “realist,” or that he sees the world in gray instead of black and white. It’s that he only cares about domestic political advantage — and sees that world very much in black and white — and he’s thin-skinned, egotistical, aloof, and maladroit when it comes to dealing with both political allies and political enemies.
That’s why he’s a lousy politician. So forget this conclusion:
That may be Obama’s ultimate legacy—more technician than tactician, and a man who, perhaps, had more faith in the American public’s ability to discern substance from style than was warranted. But another legacy was assured Tuesday night: The man who promised to fix politics was instead buried by them.
That’s still in the we’ve-failed-Obama press-excuse-making vein. Obama’s a lousy politician all right, but not because he has too much faith in the public. Rather, he has had contempt for the public all along, and the public finally caught on.