IT’S COME TO THIS: Lena Dunham Threatens To Sue Truth Revolt For Quoting Her; Lena Dunham may not like our interpretation of her book, but unfortunately for her and her attorneys, she wrote that book. “We refuse to withdraw our story or apologize for running it, because quoting a woman’s book does not constitute a ‘false’ story, even if she is a prominent actress and left-wing activist. . . . In particular, the letter from Ms. Dunham’s lawyers labeled as ‘false and defamatory’ our claims that she ‘experiment[ed] sexually with her younger sister Grace,’ ‘experimented with her six-year younger sister’s vagina,’ and ‘use[d] her little sister at times essentially as a sexual outlet.’ In her desire to curb First Amendment freedoms, Dunham’s attorneys threatened legal action seeking ‘millions of dollars; punitive damages which can be a multiple of up to ten times actual damages; and injunctive relief.’ We assume that both Ms. Dunham and her attorneys are capable of reading Ms. Dunham’s book, which contains the following direct excerpts.”
The legal threats seem unwise under the circumstances.
UPDATE: Jim Treacher: Lena Dunham Cancels Tour Dates After Evil Right-Wingers Quote Her Book.
Related: Don Surber: Conservatives out Lena Dunham as a pervert.