CAMPUS SEXISM: “The writer, Tara Culp-Resser, did not seem to realize that by her definition, the man can be considered a victim of sexual assault as much as the woman — leading to the absurd conclusion that they were raping each other.”


The question of what is “rape” — or a “rape culture” — can be distracting. We’re talking about a university’s disciplinary code, not putting people in prison. The case at the link shows the problem of treating the female as the presumptive victim in drunken-but-otherwise-seemingly-consensual sex. But what’s so bad about treating them both as violators of a campus code forbidding drunken sex?

As I said the other day, it might help to ease up on the “rape culture” talk and discuss whether there’s a “bad sex” culture.

Whether or not there’s such a thing as “rape culture” aimed at repressing women, on campus there’s clearly a “rape talk culture” aimed at repressing men. A sensible approach would undermine this primary function.