SCORCHED-EARTH VINDICTIVENESS: Paula Deen’s upcoming cookbook, currently the No. 1 seller on, has been dropped by its publisher.

Meanwhile, John Nolte is asking Capital One if it has anything to say about Alec Baldwin’s homophobic Twitter rant. Crickets. Deen is being rendered a nonperson over something she said decades ago, but Baldwin gets a pass over something he said yesterday. Seems like there’s some sort of double standard here.

UPDATE: Prof. Stephen Clark writes:

The cancellation of Paula Deen’s book at this time is about avoiding being seen as enabling what appears to be an evolving protest as expressed through the advance orders, coupled with a desire to flip off the protesters. Just another page in the ongoing cultural aggression being waged by the bicoastal elite. It does, however, neatly illustrate the inherent viciousness of the class.

Maybe she should self-publish and look to other media ventures and outlets.

Glenn Beck went that route, and makes more money than Oprah. . . .