A WHILE BACK I SUGGESTED TESTING ALL NEWBORNS FOR PATERNITY. MAYBE THAT WAS MORE THAN JUST A JOKE: Who’s Your Daddy? The perils of personal genomics. “The rise of personal genomics has not created this phenomenon, of course. Nonpaternity results can arise even in the course of routine medical testing. What happens if a doctor sees that a baby’s blood type could not have come from its father? (If the baby’s is AB and the father’s turns up O, the doctor knows that something is amiss.) In the last few decades, the medical establishment has decided that these findings should be concealed, to protect the mother’s privacy and avoid unnecessary harm.”
It has, has it? Isn’t that kind of maternalistic?
UPDATE: Reader Brett Deal emails:
Count me in as outraged that the medical establishment has taken upon itself the duty to aid women patients in defrauding men regarding paternity. This makes it guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud against an innocent man.
The concept of privacy does not include the right to engage in fraud. The intelligentsia should not be surprised that they are distrusted and despised when they operate from such criminal principles.
They know what’s best for you. Or for someone, anyway.