Police officials are examining the response to a 911 call Sunday night that left a city man struggling with an intruder at his building without any officers arriving.

Dan Dodson said it was 20 or 30 minutes before two officers eventually arrived in response to his wife’s calls to police telephone numbers.

“We’re looking into it to determine if the proper protocols were followed,” Lt. Steve Varn said yesterday evening.

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. Sometimes 20 or 30 minutes.

UPDATE: Reader Jane Vawter emails:

Dan Dodson is my friend and neighbor. Here is the follow up.

The city is in meltdown – mayor under indictment, police force cut, councilmen without a clue. We have 80k residents and a shooting every night. I’ve had my problems with the police too. Dan and I are both activists in completely different ways but to no avail.

Like I say, someone should ask Chris Christie like this. And if basic city services are in collapse, isn’t it crazy to be working overtime to disarm citizens?