OPERATION COUNTERWEIGHT: Building An Unbossable Senate. “It understates the case to say that some conservatives are disappointed with the idea of nominating former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to face President Obama this fall. So what to do if and when Romney finally sews this up? The temptation is always there to drop out of the political process. But if conservatives are interested in advancing their cause from beneath Romney’s banner — as they will likely have to — they must think beyond the presidential race and to the elections that will provide context to its result for the next four years.”
UPDATE: Reader Roland Mar writes: “I have been recommending a two part process. If you cannot bring yourself to vote for Obama-lite Romney, vote for the Green Party candidate. The goal is to push them over the threshold of votes to qualify them for Federal funding in future elections. If the Greens can afford to run a real national campaign, their followers will vote for Green candidates in any future election rather than for Democrats like now. The second part is to concentrate getting Conservative/Patriot candidates elected to the House and Senate. Not all Republicans meet that qualification.”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Mark Martin disagrees with the Obama-lite business:
Okay, Glenn, your reader is one of those Jack Ripper “Purity of Essence” types. You can say Romney isn’t conservative enough for you, sure. But Obama like?
That’s childish and silly. Hey, we *know* that the Governor doesn’t want to “spread money around”!
Seriously, these POE types are going to get us Four Worse Years. And *then* they will complain and carry on.
Well, Romney’s better than Zeeba, and I’d vote Zeeba over Obama.