MICHAEL WALSH: “Fast and Furious” Scandal Has Justice Department in Full Panic. With reason. Careers are already being ruined, and people will quite possibly go to jail over this.
On top of stonewalling Rep. Darrell Issa’s House investigation of the mess, Justice has floated a series of contradictory excuses:
* There was no such program.
* Even if there was, Holder never knew about it.
* Even if he should have known about it, he might not have read Breuer’s memos.
* Even if he read Breuer’s memos, he misunderstood the simple question: “When did you first know about the program, officially, I believe, called Fast and Furious?” . . .
There’s still plenty of time for Justice and the other implicated agencies to come clean. But to date, all we’ve heard is dog-ate-my-briefing-book excuses and desperate attempts to change the subject.
Just remember DoJ folks — it’s not the crime that ensnares most federal workers, it’s the coverup.
UPDATE: A reader emails: “The Dems used to be pretty good at hounding CEOs about ‘known or shoulda known’ standard of business ethics.” Indeed.