FROM THE GO-LONG-ON-TAR-AND-FEATHER-STOCKS DEPARTMENT: The Latest Crime Wave: Sending Your Child to a Better School. “An African-American mother of two, Ms. Williams-Bolar last year used her father’s address to enroll her two daughters in a better public school outside of their neighborhood. After spending nine days behind bars charged with grand theft, the single mother was convicted of two felony counts. Not only did this stain her spotless record, but it threatened her ability to earn the teacher’s license she had been working on. . . . Only in a world where irony is dead could people not marvel at concerned parents being prosecuted for stealing a free public education for their children.”
Related: Scottsdale man could face jail time over tree that violates city code. Even threatening jail time over offenses such as these should be punished by tar and feathers, or some other suitable public humiliation.
UPDATE: Reader John Steakley writes:
So let me get this straight: Elizabeth Warren says the kids at the better school should pay higher taxes (as adults) because everyone contributed to funding their school, but when one of the contributors wants to send her own kids there, it’s “stealing?”
Ms. Bolar-Williams either funded that school or she didn’t. If she did, it isn’t “stealing” to send her children there. If she didn’t, then those kids at the better school wont “owe” her their taxes as adults.
It can’t be both, if you ask me.
Which is why, John, you’ll never rise high in government . . . .
ANOTHER UPDATE: Mark Davis emails: “Two responses: 1) Does that mean all those illegal aliens sending kids to public school should be prosecuted for theft since they don’t legally reside in the district? 2) I thought an essential element to the crime of theft is the taking of some thing of value. Doesn’t that exclude public education?” Heh.