DEMONSTRATING TO HAVE AMERICANS FREEZE IN THE DARK: Sixty-five arrested outside White House in oil pipeline protest. “Police arrested 65 environmentalists outside the White House Saturday as they staged a demonstration urging President Obama to block a proposed pipeline that would bring oil from Canada’s oil sands projects to Gulf Coast refineries.”
The Saudis don’t like this pipeline either. They’d rather we buy their “conflict oil” than Canadian “ethical oil.” Funny to see hopey-changey leftists taking the same side.
UPDATE: Reader Matt Edens notes the irony in this quote from the article: ““If Barack Obama mans up, says no to this thing, it will send a surge of electricity through all of the people that voted for him three years ago. It will be the reminder of why we were so enamored of this guy in 2008.” Apparently, that’s the only kind of electricity these people favor — the kind that comes from the government saying no to development. . . .