For the past several months, even as its reporters have broken story after story about Mike Nifong’s misconduct, the editorial page of the N&O has remained silent, except for an unfortunate op-ed by editorial page director Steve Ford.

This morning, however, the board published an editorial criticizing Nifong. The closing sentence summed up the editorial’s message: “But the more information that comes to light, the more questionable [Nifong’s] conduct and judgment appear.”

Also, UNC law professor Joe Kennedy spoke out forcefully against Nifong to WRAL, saying that Nifong should be removed from the case and that “his actions with respect to nondisclosure of this DNA information needs to be investigated.”

Kennedy’s background is that of a strong civil libertarian: he’s a former public defender and homeless center advocate who has published on racially disparate sentencing in drug crimes.

Lots more on this topic at K.C. Johnson’s blog — just keep scrolling. And LaShawn Barber is all over the case, too.