OBAMA TO THE NEXT GENERATION: SCREW YOU, SUCKERS! “In this budget, in his refusal to do anything concrete to tackle the looming entitlement debt, in his failure to address the generational injustice, in his blithe indifference to the increasing danger of default, he has betrayed those of us who took him to be a serious president prepared to put the good of the country before his short term political interests. . . . On the critical issue of America’s fiscal crisis, he represents no hope and no change. Just the same old Washington politics he once promised to end.” Hard to argue with this take, but I’m surprised at the source. Though maybe I shouldn’t be, as Obama is losing all sorts of support among the previously supportive liberal punditariat lately.
Meanwhile, Lexington Green thinks Obama’s plan is cynical to the max: “Obama is betting that he can force the GOP to make their proposed cuts, which he can blame them for, which he can truthfully say he does not support. Then he can attack the Republicans for making the cuts. He will appeal to the people who are suffering from the cuts, and strip away GOP support. They will be angry and mobilized. Obama then plans to force the GOP into a funding crisis just as Clinton did. Obama plans to destroy the GOP reform wave of 2011 just as Clinton destroyed the GOP reform effort in 1995.”
It’s not 1995 anymore, though.