SCALIA: I’ve got better things to do than attend the State Of The Union.

UPDATE: A reader emails: “If I were more conspiratorial and Islamaphobic, the ‘five pillars’ mention with regards to the SOTU speech would send me on a You Tube bender. But I’m well adjusted, so I just going to get back to work.” Well, good.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Regulatory Adventurism:

Usually, the opposition attempt to frame the State of the Union speech comes after the President gives it in the official response, but Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) decided to get a head start. Barack Obama is widely expected to call for a consensus approach to governance with the House controlled by Republicans, but Inhofe gently reminds America that Obama hasn’t tried that approach on regulatory adventurism. Inhofe delivers what could be called a State of the Bureaucracy address, and asks Obama to get back to balance by reining in his EPA.

More at the link.