DON SURBER: Don’t Over-Intellectualize the Palin Hatred:

On the day John McCain selected her as his running mate, great panic hit liberals.

Who is she, they wondered? . . . Judging from the leaked JournO-list messages from the time (that being a forum of third-rate journalists, PR people and college students) the liberals scrambled to find a way to attack this “unknown” person in order to protect Obama.

All the intellectual pretension came later, tinsel on a Christmas tree that was slapped together and put up in a hurry.

That it has lasted is only because liberals are good at this. . . . This is not to say that Sarah Palin does not deserve criticism. But what makes “Palinoia” an obsession instead of an intellectual pursuit is that it is based on the panic and desperation of August 29, 2008, when John McCain put her on the ticket.

The pseudo-intellectual arguments to rationalize that hate came later.

Read the whole thing.