NARRATIVE FAIL (CONT’D): Quinnipiac Poll: More Americans Say Left Contributes to Heated Rhetoric Than Right.
UPDATE: Ann Althouse corrects Paul Krugman:
Advocating violence is terrible, but it is also terrible to try to delegitimize vibrant criticism of the government, to have a biased view of where the least valuable speech is coming from, and to connect speech to violence when there is no connection. The truth is we should dismiss the massacre as the mere act of a deranged individual and go on as before. Why should we change because a madman shot people?
Ironically, saying that a massacre can change the course of American politics encourages massacres! Why would you put such a thought into the heads of madmen? Hell, sane men might put the pieces together and plan a massacre to disrupt the work of the politicians who won the last elections. We need to turn away from the bloody slaughter and go on as before.
The notion that people respond to incentives appears to be alien to Krugman. But he’s underscored his own irrelevance this week.