DAILY CALLER: Congressmen want increased security for themselves — but are they in more danger than teachers and doctors? No, but they’re more important, don’t y’know.
Threats and attacks are serious concerns, but are they serious enough to justify special treatment at already-well-secured airports because some lawmakers feel “ill-at-ease” around the general public?
According to data from the Bureau of Labor, those precautions are probably justifiable so long as social workers and primary school teachers get to skip TSA pat-downs, bus drivers and animal trainers are given security details and health-care professionals are allowed to work with patients from behind three inches of shatter-proof glass.
As for salesmen, retail workers and their managers, they should all be issued a concealed-carry permit.
Being a member of Congress is a very safe job. Please just try to do it, instead of passing more special privileges for yourselves.