PROF. JACOBSON: Is It His Katrina Yet? “The evidence mounts of bungled permitting, delays in response, and understating the impact.” Of course, he’s got the press running interference, rather than playing gleeful executioner. So that’s a plus.

UPDATE: Reader Fred Schoeneman writes:

My Schadenfreude-ometer is pegged. As much as I enjoy the Obama administration squirming over their recent mis-steps in the gulf, and making comparisons to the previous administration’s failures in New Orleans, I’m not the one who gets to call this Obama’s Katrina. Nor are you. But the kids over at Firedoglake are.

Heh. Indeed. It’s definitely been a botch, and although the press has been soft-pedaling it, the fact that Obama got more money from BP than any other politician is sure to get more public notice as this disaster unfolds.