SO I TRIED OUT AN IPAD TODAY and I’m kinda lukewarm. The iPod touch fits very smoothly into one hand — the iPad, on the other hand, is too big for one hand, but feels a bit small for two. (At least two of mine — the (much) smaller-handed Xeni Jardin liked it fine). I’ll try it out again when there’s more time to fiddle with it, but it just seemed too big for a small device, and not big enough for a big one — I was hoping for something more like a tablet netbook, but it just didn’t come across that way. And netbooks are cheaper, too.

UPDATE: Ann Althouse bought one.

ANOTHER UPDATE: John Dvorak pours cold water on Big Media hopes: “So if you drink the Kool-Aid, you’ll be reading Newsweek and Time and all the dying print magazines and newspapers on the iPad. No matter that you are not reading these journals now. For some unexplained reason you’ll want to read them on the iPad. How does that make any sense?”

MORE: Gizmodo answers your questions.