MICHAEL WALSH on “threats” and political agitation.

UPDATE: Ann Althouse: “Clearly, those who are angry about the bill should limit themselves to speech and apply pressure to others in their movement not to cross the line into any kind of violence or damage to property. Any incident of that kind will be greatly magnified in the press and used to undermine the movement. But we should all be vigilant about the way the Democrats and their friends in the press are leveraging these stories for political purposes, exaggerating and failing to check facts. We should closely monitor the journalism, the rhetoric, and the leaps of logic. Hare’s remark ‘If this doesn’t get under control’ has a chilling generality to it. Dissent and protest should not ‘get under control.’ It should be free.” Indeed.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Another law professor, William Jacobson, remembers the blood libels over healthcare. Speaking of, you know, “extremist rhetoric.”