MASSACHUSETTS SENATE RACE HEATS UP: Rasmussen Shows Brown Within 9 Percent. This is huge given that it’s Massachusetts, and a Brown win would probably kill healthcare. I don’t know how his online fundraising is going, but so far he hasn’t gotten much (er, any?) help from the national Republican party. I imagine that will change, if only because people like William Jacobson are asking: ‘Will the national GOP, which has ignored Brown, get involved now? I’m not sure I care anymore.” Whatever else they do, they can’t afford to look irrelevant. . . . Outcampaigned by Sissy Willis?

UPDATE: Reader James Somers writes:

Thanks for your links to info about the Brown-Coakley race in Massachusetts. It motivated me to flip some cash to Brown. There’s no better way, right now, for those who are opposed to ObamaCare in particular, and the Administration’s economic bungling in general, to register their opposition than giving support to Scott Brown.

I think money to Brown will be better spent than money to the RNC, for any pondering that question.

ANOTHER UPDATE: More from Jules Crittenden. And reader Katie O’Malley sends this link to another Massachusetts blogger.