2009 HURRICANE SEASON a bust. You know, after Katrina they promised that global warming would be bringing us more and more super-hurricanes.

UPDATE: Prof. Stephen Clark writes:

It should not pass unstated that the predictions you allude to of increasing strength and frequency of Caribbean hurricanes were based on models. These models were based in part on data acquired by the CRU and others, but are based and rely to an even greater extent on a host of other assumptions. It is one thing to model global mean temperature; it’s quite another, and more complicated matter, to mathematically model planetary climate, as distinct from weather, over long periods of time. It’s been claims regarding the later which have driven the political and policy disputes surrounding these issues. If current models have difficulty predicting or explaining the progress of global mean temperature, why should anyone have confidence in models that claim to be predictive of the more complicated system of planetary climate? This is very much the stake in “Climategate”.
