ANN ALTHOUSE ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT: “But perhaps an exception should be made for a great late night talk show host. The funnyman’s mood and ego need boosting. Just as he must have an office full of people who can write jokes and comic routines — who must share a lot of not-that-businesslike comraderie — he needs pretty ladies to keep his senses well-honed. It’s part of the structure of a business that revolves around a performer. The funnyman needs his supply of sex, and the paying career positions on the staff can be used to create a pool of potential sexual partners who will keep the old man bolstered up.”

There sure seem to be a lot of sexual exceptions. . . .

As reader John Tuttle writes: “It’s ‘office romance’ when Democrats do it. It’s ‘sexual harassment’ when Republicans do it. Time to repeal sex harassment laws.”

There does seem to be a double standard here. . . .