JENNIFER RUBIN: Why Did Holder’s Justice Department Dismiss the Black Panther Case?
Another attorney familiar with the inner workings of the Civil Rights Division agrees with this take. He observes that Department staff “openly and proudly advocate for a different standard” depending on the race of the alleged civil rights violator. He contends that this view extends now up to the attorney general and to staff attorneys who “say it openly at the Justice Department when the topic of ‘reverse’ discrimination comes up.”
Just like taxes are for the little people, antidiscrimination laws are only for client groups.
UPDATE: Reader Harry Lewis writes:
It’s worse than Rubin says. I was at 1212 Fairmont, Philadelphia, PA (the site of the New Black Panther incident) on election day as a lawyer for the McCain election security team. That’s a black neighborhood, and the New Black Panthers were intimidating black voters. That means that Holder’s Justice Department is protecting black extremists, not Democrats, while failing to protect black voters. When you’re talking about black-on-black offenses of this type, I’d say even the most ardent of the “civil rights laws protect only blacks and minorities” advocates at Justice have no excuse for failing to protect black voters.