A NEWS REPORT ON YESTERDAY’S CUYAHOGA FALLS TEA PARTY: “About 7,000 people crowded into Falls River Square Wednesday night for the first Akron Tea Party. Organizers said it was the largest Ohio Tea Party so far. Many in the crowd wore patriotic hats and shirts, waved American and ‘Don’t Tread On Me” flags and carried homemade signs protesting policies in Washington, D.C., and the direction the country is headed in general.”

UPDATE: Reader Nonda Surratt writes: “Wow you lose Akron, home of unions, you are in deep trouble. Funny — good friend of hubby’s, lives in that area, solid teamster for years, visited about a month ago and said he would NEVER vote for another Dem as long as he lives. Really shocked hubby they have been best buds since grade K.” Not living up to the hype, are they?