ROBIN GIVHAN sneers at the dress of Town Hall protesters, thus underscoring the press’s identification with the rulers rather than with the ruled. There was a time when journalists were badly-dressed working stiffs, rather than upper-middle-class strivers putting on airs. That time is long past. But — since although she’s a snob she’s sometimes an insightful one — she nonetheless hits upon a key insight: “Washington’s power brokers have suited up to underscore their authority and the seriousness of the subject matter. And bully for them. But their attire also says: I am the boss of you. All those howling citizens — in their T-shirts and ball caps and baggy shorts — are saying: No, you’re not.”
UPDATE: Reader Thomas Prewitt writes:
The article by Robin Givhan in the Washington Post leads one to wonder, “What do I wear to a town hall event?’
Are protestors part of an astroturfed Brooks Brothers brigade, or are they unserious, ill-kempt, bloviating whiners?Ms. Givhan’s commentary tells us more about Washington D.C. than it does about the Tea Party movement. The government-political-media establishment cannot seem to understand that their employers/customers are furious. This isn’t about a civil discourse; this is a really bad job review.
The people are hoppin’ mad and are trying to say, “We aren’t taking it anymore.” The recipients of this sentiment ignore it at their own peril.