FASTER, PLEASE: Prostate Cancer: From Inoperable to Cancer Free. “I was cutting away scar tissue, while trying to find cancer cells. The pathologist was checking samples as we proceeded and sent word back asking if we had the right patient. He had a hard time finding any cancer. I had never seen anything like this before. The pathologists were floored.” But it’s early yet. Let’s hope this pans out in larger trials.
UPDATE: Reader Paul Jurkoic emails:
Wonderful story and great example about how medical research can lead to game-changing breakthroughs.
Query whether any such research would be conducted in the US under Obamacare, or whether research dollars will be steered toward “politically correct” studies according to whichever politically connected interest group is screaming the loudest.
Yes, my biggest worry about Obamacare is that it will squash medical innovation at a point where we’re about to make real progress.