Mr. Dodd’s ability to carry the regulatory bill has been weakened by his political standing in Connecticut, Democratic officials say. His support has fallen in part because of his perceived closeness to American International Group Inc., a big campaign contributor. He also was pilloried for receiving a low-interest loan from failed mortgage giant Countrywide.

Indeed. I’m guessing that this won’t help:

On both Dodd loans, someone at Countrywide had scrawled “VIP” and “FOA” on documents. “FOA” is a reference to Friends of Angelo Mozilo, then the chief executive of Countrywide. Mozilo built Countrywide into a financial powerhouse, but in recent years allowed the business to be undermined by losses on unsustainable, high-risk loans.

Dodd has said repeatedly he doesn’t know Mozilo and got loan terms that were generally available to the public.

Well, that’s credible.