HMM: Fear and disbelief stalk Mexico City’s eerily empty streets. If people are really staying home to this degree, how long can the city function? Will grocery stores get filled, drug stores supplied, etc.?

Bad news for the already-suffering tourist industry. Or is it all just hogwash?

UPDATE: Reader Stephen Jacks emails:

I live around Toronto. During SARS life carried on even though churches were very empty, the subway was very empty, the restaurants were completely empty. For weeks!

The idea that someone would come to Toronto for a meeting was a joke. And they really didn’t want you visiting them either. It was weird to be a near pariah.

My sympathies to what Mexico is about to get put through, and it wont be because of some kind of politically incorrect issue, fear from biological sources like virus generates a deep and real concern from people, no matter your language, skin colour or religion. If people wouldn’t come to Toronto with a reputation for cleanliness, good health care and modern infrastructure….well I can’t imagine what sort of multiplier will be attached to Mexico, that lacks some of the aforementioned in its reputation.

And they’re in a worse position to weather the loss.

MORE: Ohio Boy’s Swine Flu Matches Deadly Mexican Strain.

STILL MORE: A roundup and thoughts at Aetiology. Here’s a later post from Aetiology, and here’s a roundup of older swine-flu and pandemic flu posts.