CHRIS DODD UPDATE: Hartford Courant: Poll: Dodd Would Lose To Simmons. “A new Quinnipiac University poll shows Connecticut U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd now trailing former Republican Congressman Rob Simmons and two other possible GOP challengers for the 2010 election.”

This could be why:

While the Senate Banking Committee headed by Chris Dodd is considering new regulations for the hedge-fund industry, prominent hedge-fund manager worth billions schedules $1,000-a-head fund-raiser for Chris Dodd at an exclusive NYC club. (Attn. Rob Simmons, Sam Caligiuri: By peddling his influence, Chris Dodd will be able the raise the sort of campaign cash you only can dream about.) . . . No, siree, all that dough he got from AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Citigroup, etc., and those mortgages from Countrywide never influenced his actions one little bit.

Oh, yes. How exclusive is that NYC club? It has no minority members, and it wasn’t until a reporter raised a stink did the Dodd campaign move to find another (undisclosed) location for the fund-raiser.a

Endless hypocrisy, on your dime.

UPDATE: Reader Ted Siegel writes:

While I can’t stand Senator Dodd, the blog you link is unfair to him and the “exclusive” NYC club. This club, the Harmonie Club, was founded by Jews when they weren’t allowed into the Metropolitan Club across the street. The Harmonie Club (which I have visited as a guest) is very welcoming to all races and religions. An analogy would be with a traditionally-Jewish fraternity that is officially open to everyone– this fraternity might not have any minorities (or non-Jews), but by no means should be considered racist.

Well, if Republicans were involved it probably still would be, but good point.