THANKS TO ALL THE BIBLES & BISCUITS GUYS: Just got back last night from four great days in Richmond, Va., visiting my son, Marcus, and his wonderful family — wife Morgan, First Grandson Tyler, Second Grandson Brooks, First Granddaughter Beckett, Gundy the Chocolate Lab and Boone the Yellow Lab.

But that’s not all. I was also honored to join the “Bibles & Biscuits” Men’s Group Saturday breakfast in nearby Rockville, Va., where I spoke to a group of 70-some great guys about HillFaith and my journey with Jesus Christ. Lots of laughs, great fellowship and tremendous encouragement.

Bibles & Biscuits is hosted by, the men’s fellowship ministry of Rocky Marrins. It’s not just in Richmond and it’s not your typical men’s group. These guys know what it means to fail and to succeed. They also really know how to laugh, so I posted this on HillFaith today with them in mind (and Instapunditeers as well!).