DON’T GET COCKY: The Democratic Party Is Collapsing. “If you have had difficulty finding some reason to support the Democratic Party and its increasingly bizarre policy positions, you are not alone. Two national polls released on Sunday reveal that the party’s favorability ratings have plunged to catastrophic lows. According to a new NBC News survey, just 27 percent of registered voters hold a positive view of the Democratic Party — its lowest rating since 1990. Likewise, a new CNN poll indicates that only 29 percent of U.S. adults regard the party favorably — a low not seen since 1992. These two polls confirm an equally ominous Quinnipiac survey conducted last month. Both surveys clearly illuminate why the public harbors such a low opinion of the Democrats, and why this is very unlikely to change.”
I should note that Bill Clinton took the White House two years after that previous 27 percent low. I don’t think the Democrats have another Bill Clinton waiting in the wings. Gavin Newsom seems to be traversing in that direction, but his track record is too damning, and he comes across as a bit creepy and unlikable. The Democrats’ male Meghan Markle.