MORE LIGHT ON BIDEN’S BORDER LIES: You probably don’t remember this statement from early in Joe Biden’s Oval Office tenure, but the trouble-makers at Issue & Insights (I&I) certainly do:
“At his first press conference in March 2021 – after claiming that nothing had changed at the border (despite repealing every Trump executive order securing the border on day one) – he said the surge of illegals then underway ‘happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year … happens all the time.’”
It was transparently a lie then and was followed by many more for the next nearly four years. Donald Trump is back in the Oval Office in great part because of Biden’s constant lying about the border and much else. This graph courtesy of I&I makes crystal clear that border invasions like that of the Biden era do not happen “all the time:”
America will be paying the price of Biden’s border lies for years to come, I&I observes.