IS IT A DAY THAT ENDS IN “Y?” Watch: Did a Senate Democrat Just Call for an Insurrection?
Do you remember when Democrats accused former President Trump of incitement for telling his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the Capitol to make their voices heard? Well, fast forward to today, and we have a sitting senator engaging in rhetoric that does far more than make a call for peaceful assembly. Earlier this week, Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) advocated for “revolution” while standing outside in snow-covered Boston, a site steeped in revolutionary history.
“Massachusetts is where revolutions are born,” Markey began. “And the revolution against Donald Trump and Elon Musk starts here.”
“This is the city of revolutionaries from the American Revolution to create checks and balances in the United States Constitution so that we did not have a dictator — a king — the way those colonists were living under it. And they fought all along Massachusetts Avenue. All coming out, the men and women to say, ‘no taxation without representation.’ We want to have a balance, we cannot have a king.”
Markey’s choice of words raises an important question: is “revolution” just a dog whistle for “insurrection”? His post on X proudly calls for this upheaval, and he pinned it to his account to make sure people see it. Perhaps he believes this kind of incendiary language is acceptable when those on the left wield it.
Markey’s words also raise another important question: Why is Markey now talking about the American Revolution and “no taxation without representation” and “we want to have balance,” when in 2019, he was in full “ban all things!” mode when he backed AOC’s infamous Green Nude Eel:
While Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced a Green New Deal bill in the U.S. House in February 2019, Markey introduced a Senate version of the same bill.
Here’s the sort of “balance” that AOC and her colleagues was calling for at the time:
● The Green New Deal’s War on Cows.
● Cory Booker: ‘This Planet Simply Can’t Sustain’ People Eating Meat.
● “The authors state that the GND would like to replace every ‘combustion-engine vehicle’ — trucks, airplanes, boats, and 99 percent of cars — within ten years. Charging stations for electric vehicles will be built “everywhere,” though how power plants will provide the energy needed to charge them is a mystery.”
● Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Aims to Eliminate Air Travel.
As Jim Treacher wrote earlier this week, Apparently, the Green New Deal Runs on Gaslight.
The following year, Markey also didn’t sound very keen about America’s founding:
On Thanksgiving Day in 2020, Markey tweeted the following about the Thanksgiving holiday:
“While we celebrate all that we are grateful for today, we must also remember the true history of Thanksgiving and recognize the atrocities committed against Native Americans, as well as the widespread disease brought by European arrival which decimated the Native population. In Massachusetts, on this 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s arrival, we continue to stand with the Wampanoag people who first met the Pilgrims and celebrate their continued sovereignty and land rights.”
Given the Covid restrictions still in place in Massachusetts, and a governor who was saying, “The science on this one’s pretty clear — gathering in groups indoors for an extended period of time with family and friends is likely the worst possible scenario for spreading the virus…If you gather with people outside your household, limit guests as much as possible and keep it to your limited social network, who you see on a regular basis,” I’m sure Markey’s boilerplate leftism sold particularly well that Thanksgiving.