MAKE THEM PAY: Olivia Krolczyk files Title IX complaint after protesters disrupt her speech on women’s rights in sports.
Olivia Krolczyk, ambassador with the Riley Gaines Center, has filed a Tiltle IX complaint University of Washington after disruptive protesters forced the cancellation of her on-campus event discussing the harms of gender ideology.
Krolczyk filed a complaint on Tuesday with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, accusing the University of Washington of “illegal discrimination” under Title IX because of the university’s “failure to take reasonable and necessary measures to address the hostile environment that Ms. Krolczyk experienced,” the document states.
The event in question, during which Krolczyk was meant to address the ways that gender ideology hurts women, took place on Jan. 21. During Krolczyk’s lecture, “[r]oughly 200 protesters showed up at the event, broke windows, blocked the exits, pulled the fire alarms, and disrupted the event to the point where the event had to be cancelled,” as the complaint states.
“As the event started, the protestors’ actions became increasingly aggressive. Police officers were stationed at each door, as protesters began banging on the doors, shouting insults, and calling Ms. Krolczyk names such as ‘Nazi’ and ‘fascist.’ Ms. Krolczyk felt trapped. She was being held hostage in the room, with no safe way to exit due to the violent actions of the protesters,” the complaint relates.
Following the event’s cancellation, the university released a statement that falsely blamed Krolczyk of trying to provoke community members with her event, as the complaint document states.
Like I said, make them pay.