NO COMMON SENSE ON THE LEFT: When President Donald Trump promised during his inaugural address that he would spark a “Revolution of Common Sense,” most Americans likely reacted with something along the lines “It’s about frigging time.”

As Issues & Insights (I&I) points out today, though, common sense may be the hardest commodity to find on the Left of the American political spectrum these days. And for that reason, leaders over there are out-doing themselves with displays of utter political nonsense.

“When Trump figured out how to email every federal employee at once – something businesses have been able to do since email was invented – federal workers sued. When he offered buy-outs to workers, the left screamed that this was illegal. When he paused grants, nonprofits cried that they couldn’t pay their rent. On and on it goes,” I&I observes.

Odds are good we will be seeing these displays for at least the next four years.