AT LEAST. Blackball Them, At Least.
As tempting as it is to prosecute all the people who abused power by going after Trump and his allies, as a practical matter, only a few, if any, will face justice in the courts.
A few, such as Fauci, should be prosecuted for lying to Congress, and any open and shut cases should be pursued. Even if Biden preemptively pardons some of the malefactors, it may be possible to haul them before Congress and force them to either spill the beans, face contempt of Congress charges, or perjury if they continue to lie.
But for the most part, all but the very worst will skate, at least legally.
But there are other means to punish those who violated the public trust–people like Mark Milley or others who are cashing in on their time at the pinnacle of power: blackball them.
The Biden administration did this with many Trump officials–they made it known that if a company that did business with the government in any way hired Trump people, there would be consequences. For the first time in memory, working at the White House or in a position of power in an administration was a black mark harming one’s employability or income.
The Trump people should do this x2. Chances are good that a figure such as Mark Milley will never face justice for what amounted to treason, but his income stream could be severely hampered by making it clear to his connected employers that doing business with Milley means not doing business with the government.
I’m not sure that Milley shouldn’t be on the “prosecute” list, too.