Dodd got rates well below the market without paying points. No lender offers that to any borrower, no matter how strong their credit ratings might be. Are we to believe that the chair of the Senate Banking Committee doesn’t understand how lending works? Of course Dodd knew he got preferential treatment. He can read the mortgage lending rates in the newspaper, and part of his job entails keeping up with that data on a daily basis.
And as a matter of fact, Dodd still hasn’t been responsive. He promised to release his documents to public view, not to flash them momentarily to a select group of reporters barred from taking notes or making copies. Even the Times doesn’t buy that as “release”.
The Times wants to sell Dodd as a victim of the “moneyed Washington subculture where powerful incumbents are invited to get something wholesale,” but that’s poppycock. The man who accepts a bribe is no more of a victim than the man who offers it.
Usually less so . . . .