MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THANK YOU: It has been my great privilege for a number of years to post on my friend Glenn Reynolds’ amazing Instapundit. The variety of voices Glenn opens Instapundit to is a perfect illustration of how the First Amendment is supposed to work, for all of us.
During the past year, I’ve posted a great many links to events and reports that in my judgement bear great importance to the struggle to preserve individual liberty and restore the blessings of the limited government America’s Founders gave us.
I’ve also posted many links to material on HillFaith that, judging from the comments, many found interesting, some even uplifting, while others, well, as Glenn so often puts it, not so much.
To the former, I thank God for the opportunity to add something positive to your day, and to the latter, may we both always be open to understanding how and why others think and believe as they do. I mean that for myself as much as for anybody else.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and God “bless us all and everyone” in the New Year.
UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Love having you here, Mark! Right back atcha.