LEFT PLANNING ELECTION NIGHT/INAUGURAL VIOLENCE: Demonstration permits examined by former New Left radical trainer Richard Pollock show multiple far-Left and Pro-Palestinian groups moving ahead with plans to take to the streets of the nation’s capital to protest a Trump election victory and inaugural.
“The applicants claim about 15,000 protesters could descend on Washington, D.C. on election night and up to 200,000 anti-Trump protests could arrive leading up to and including Inauguration Day, when the next President is sworn in,” Pollock reports.
One of the organizers, a veteran of the 2017 inaugural disruptions, told a Leftist outlet that for the 2024 events “we want to undermine Trump’s presidency from the get-go. There has been a lot of talk of peaceful transition of power as being a core element in a democracy and we want to reject that entirely and really undermine the peaceful transition.”
What’s the maxim? Believe them when they tell you who they are and what they are planning.