SPACE: Rocket Report: Bloomberg calls for SLS cancellation; SpaceX hits century mark.

Meanwhile, a friend writes:

Why this op-Ed now?

I’m sure we’ve all seen the Bloomberg attack on Artemis. Some folks who are concerned about expensive parts of the program like SLS have been praising his piece.

Bloomberg may or may not be wrong, but he has been pro-Dem, anti-Trump, anti-space and pro-China for years.

In 2018 his PAC targeted Dana Rohrabacher (CA), Steve Knight (CA) and John Culberson for elimination. All the most solid space supporters. All China hawks (that may have been his real goal). All friends of ours. He put in over $10m to take out Rohrabacher, who normally raised a few hundred thousand in his campaigns run by his wife, Rhonda.

He even funded ads attacking space spending specifically like this one:

Bloomberg has been a “friend of China” for years. His cringiest moment might have come a couple years ago when he apologized to Beijing over the UK PM calling China “authoritarian.” Bloomberg tweeted, “”Some may have been insulted or offended last night by parts of the speaker’s remarks referencing certain countries and their duly elected leaders … To those of you who were upset and concerned by what the speaker said, you have my apologies.”

Again, not an argument for SLS, but beware messengers with other agendas.

Good point. SLS is stupid and should be canceled, but. . . .