AS I HAD HOPED AND INCREASINGLY EXPECTED: A Study Shows that Blue State Refugees Are Voting Heavily Republican in Tennessee. But note, he’s talking about refugees: “Before I discuss the specifics of the analysis, I believe it is necessary to once again discuss the difference between ‘colonizers’ and ‘refugees.’ The colonizers tend to be left-wing voters relocating to a red state because of their job. That is what makes Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s recruitment of tech companies so distasteful. Abbott has recruited wave after wave of tech workers from California, and they generally bring their left-wing voting habits with them. It is terribly short-sighted for Texas to import anti-carbon voters who will enthusiastically kill off Texas’ petroleum and cattle industries. Refugees, by contrast, tend to be conservatives fleeing blue states. They vote Republican in their new state, making it even redder. Even better, they bring with them an appreciation for just how destructive 21st Century Democrats are when they gain power.”
See also, American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Migration from Blue to Red States.