WAS CHICAGO A RADICAL BUST? Folks who expected or hoped for violence to mark those pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention were sorely disappointed. Organizers predictions of hordes of demonstrators were belied by the fact they only ordered six outdoor potties before the action began, according to Richard Pollock.

Pollock goes on to note that: “the low turnout was especially interesting because Cook County, which includes Chicago, has more Palestinian residents than any other county in the nation, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  More than 23,000 live in the Chicago metropolitan area, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“Only about a dozen miles away from downtown Chicago is one of the largest Palestinian communities called Bridgeview, Illinois. It is an enclave popularly known as “Little Palestine.” Its downtown includes hookahs, Muslim restaurants and many Palestinian-owned local shops as well as a major mosque.

“It seems as if organizers could have bussed in local residents to supplement their rallies.  But clearly, few local Palestinians and Muslims were interested in traveling to nearby Chicago.”

Alternative explanation: Why demonstrate and risk getting injured when you know the Democrats were sufficiently cowed before the the DNC ever convened?