A NEW TYPE OF MASCULINITY, SOARING LIKE A BLUE FALCON ABOVE THE OLD: On “Positive Masculinity:” Does Tim Walz represent a new “enlightened archetype” of men? “No man with a spine would go near the term ‘positive masculinity,’ since it implies there’s something wrong with masculinity. A woman who agreed to bask in cheers of men calling her an example of ‘positive femininity’ would rightly be viewed as pitiable if not an outright traitor to her sex by other women. While the spectacle of Walz fawned over by a gaggle of female columnists fantasizing about him being led in a choker cradling a pig and wearing a hardhat is hilarious, it mostly makes men cringe, or want to organize an Entebbe rescue. Are Democrats so scarred by Bill Clinton that they have to put tank traps around anything with testes?”

Yes. Also they’ll say anything to manipulate their core single white female constituency.