GOOD QUESTION: Did Biden Send Officials to Tehran and Reveal Mossad Agents Who Killed Hamas Leader?

If true, this would be a shocking betrayal of our ally in uncountable ways. And unfortunately, while the accusation is so shocking that we should maintain a healthy skepticism, I believe it is quite possibly true.

Iran, of course, has very good reasons to lie, and they are hardly a trustworthy source for news about the United States or Israel. Convincing the Israelis that the United States betrayed them and has helped roll up an Israeli spy ring would be a very useful bit of disinformation, creating an almost irreparable split between the US and Israel.

The two countries share intelligence, and if the Israelis believe that the United States would give up Israeli intelligence assets to the source of most of the evil in the region and the deadliest enemy of the Jewish state, the damage would be incalculable. . . .

Unfortunately, a Biden move like this is at least credibly possible because the Biden administration has funneled billions of dollars to Iran and has been trying to forge an implicit alliance in the region. It is not a military alliance, of course, but a security understanding of how relations get more normalized.

They have, in the process, given Iran carte blanche to attack US troops and interests in the region and allowed Iran great latitude to attack our allies, including Israel, without serious consequences.

So, is this report possibly accurate? Of course, it is.

Is it accurate? I have no idea, either whether it is true or how we could ever find out.

Someone knows, but they’re not telling.