WHEN WILL THE PRESS TELL US THAT DEMOCRATS “ASSERT, WITHOUT EVIDENCE” THAT BIDEN HAS WITHDRAWN? “So, yeah, what evidence do we have that Joe Biden knows he has given up his candidacy and released the delegates pledged to him? We haven’t seen him. He’s been sick with Covid. When last we heard from him in person he was defiantly clinging to the candidacy, apparently still believing that he is the one person who can save the world from Donald Trump. We were simply handed written statements.”

Plus: “Perhaps his people won’t tell him he has withdrawn. How would we know? I’ve read articles about caregivers for persons with dementia that advise us to go along with the errors and not correct all the mistaken beliefs. He shouldn’t be President though, of course, if things are this bad. Couldn’t they keep him in Rehoboth and call him Mr. President?”