How it’s going: What an incredible cover! It tells its story brilliantly, because its photographer, the AP’s Evan Vucci, working purely on instinct, shot a perfectly composed photo in a split second, under the most difficult circumstances imaginable.


On Monday, Democrat house organ Axios ran a column headlined, “How photographers view the photos of Trump’s assassination attempt.”

Zoom in: Multiple photographers worried privately in conversations with Axios that the images from the rally could turn into a kind of “photoganda,” with the Trump campaign using them to further their agenda despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.

  • None would comment on the record for fear of losing future work.

  • A photo editor and photographer from a major news outlet said the “amount that publications have been using Evan’s photo is kind of free P.R. for Trump in a way, and its dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is.”

And inevitably, Time magazine, which began in 1923 as a center-right publication, but since the mid-’60s has been just another small cog in the establishment left blob, lost its bottle. As a result, this is currently the much more watered-down planned cover.

The bland new cover won’t sell many commemorative issues of the type people like to keep in a drawer or on a bookshelf after a major historical event (see also: 9/11, Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, and JFK’s assassination), but Time feels it’s much more important to be Democratic party operatives than actually sell magazines. Not to mention, who wants to go through the hell of being pummeled by your fellow leftists on social media because you were perceived as helping the Bad Orange Man?