AMERICA’S PESSIMISTIC YOUTH: John Hinderaker: The Kids Are Not Alright. “The results were stunning. Young people in Minnesota are deeply pessimistic about their futures, and their country’s future. We asked respondents whether their generation is better off economically than their parents’ generation, worse off, or the same. Fully 90% said their generation is worse off than their parents’. . . . Further, young people’s pessimism extends into the future. Asked whether the next generation will be economically better off, worse off, or the same as theirs, 68% said ‘worse off.’ In other words, the vast majority of young Minnesotans think they live in a country that is in a state of permanent decline. I have no reason to think the results would be much different in other states.”
Well, it’s the Biden Era. Like the Carter Era, but with less honesty and competence.